Articles Posted by mgtadmin

Covid-19 and Your Career

Covid-19 and Coronavirus are words we are all too familiar with. No one could of ever imagined that the country would of had to come to a standstill while the world battles this deadly virus.The only thing we can do is stand together as a country and minimise the spread of the virus as best we can. For some […]

Feel Motivated with Debbie Burbage

If you struggle to get out of bed on a Monday morning and feel demotivated towards your working day ahead, then there are a few simple activities you can do in the morning to help you gain some motivation to see you through each working day of the week. Follow these simple tips and see […]

Perfecting Your Cover Letter

With most job applications you must provide a current and up to date CV along with a cover letter. Your cover letter is where to can expand on points made in your CV and you can sell yourself to the employer. Usually a cover letter is read by the employer before your CV so you must make sure […]

Changing Your Career Path

Your career is one of the biggest parts of your life, who you are and who you could become. There are some that are in a job just because it pays the bills, these are the ones that work to live. Then there are others that live to work. For these people their job is what keeps […]

Climbing the Career Ladder in 2016

The Career Ladder Climbing the career ladder can be one of the most difficult things to do, but once we get higher up the ladder it can be one of the best feelings ever. Successfully climbing the career ladder means we have made the achievements we have wanted to and it can be very rewarding both […]