New Year, New Career?

New Year, New You…. What’s that all about?

We’ve all done it, made New Year resolutions to go to the gym, loose weight, eat healthily and get more organised.  But how long does it last, a few days, weeks and if you’re lucky months, then you “beat yourself up” for not sticking to it.  We’ve all been there, so for us, no New Year resolutions.

What did you achieve in 2022?

That being said, the start of the year is a good time to evaluate what you have achieved in the past 12 months, what went wrong or didn’t go to plan, and how you can perhaps reframe things and see them differently.  Every experience in our lives are “learning experiences” and if we don’t “learn” then the pattern will repeat itself until we change, adapt and learn the lessons that have been presented to us.

Working towards what you want in life

If you haven’t achieved all you wanted to in your job, ask yourself why?  It could be down to you and how you have applied yourself, business or personal challenges that have “got in the way” but the main thing is to ask yourself “what can I do moving forward, how can I work towards creating the life I want for me, my family and all of those who are important to me?”

How Debbie Burbage Recruitment can help…


Sometimes it can be tricky wondering where to start but if you would like a little assistance from us email and we’ll happily forward you some information that will help you get started.  


If you’re wondering “why hasn’t my team performed as well as they should have? What have been the pitfalls, challenges and what can be done to help me to achieve what I want to this year? email and we’ll forward you information that will aid your evaluation process.

Smile for 2023

We don’t need a new year to make changes, make sure you check in with yourself monthly, look back at the month and “tweak” how you move forward, all those little variations will mount up to one awesome year.

Have fun, see the beauty in the sky, in the outdoors and smile an infectious smile that emanates from you to those around you.