Take Control & Organise Your Working Day

It doesn’t take much to get distracted at work for example having various emails ping through and seeing the news or social media posts all of which can take your mind completely off what you are meant to be doing. At Debbie Burbage Recruitment we believe that taking control and organising your working day is the key to productively getting through the day. To help you become more organised we have come up with several guidance tips to help you organise each working day.

1. Balanced To Do Lists

Before you turn on your computer, sit down with your daily or weekly planner and make a to do list for the day. Make your list in order of importance and this is the order in which you should complete them. Once you have completed your list then you can add anything new during the day but make sure that you prioritise what is more important to do first. You also need to make sure that your to do list is balanced. Too short will make you feel that you haven’t got a lot on and may be easily distracted. Too long can make you feel like there is a never ending list to complete which may just make you feel down for the day.

2. Daily Goals

When planning your day it is important to set achievable goals. This could be to complete all of your tasks for the day or to have completed a project that you have been working on. Setting daily goals helps your confidence because by achieving your daily goal you gain a great feeling of achievement.

3. Set Time Limits

Once you have made up your to do list for the day make sure that you set time limits. This really helps achieve a productive day and will also help in making your day go quicker. Next to each point on your to do list add the time you wish to of completed this by and then try your best to get each point done in the time that you have marked next to each point.

4. Plan Suitable Breaks

Most businesses have busy times of the day so it is important not to take your breaks within this time. Try and schedule your breaks within suitable times and make sure that you take them. Many people work on throughout the day without really taking a break. Breaks are so important, even if it is just for a quick drink and a piece of fruit, giving you some energy which will help get you through the day.

5. Don’t Leave Work Unfinished

Most of us look forward to the end of the day so that we can go home, switch off and relax. It is harder to do so if you have left work unfinished. Unfinished work will play on your mind in the evening and it also then impacts on your next working day. Most of us leave those daunting tasks right until the end of the day so why not get these out of the way first thing during the day and then you eliminate the risk of them not being done.

If you can stick to these tips then you will soon find that you have a much more productive working week.

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